North Carolinians rallied outside Rep. Deborah Ross’ district office in Raleigh to call on the Congresswoman to break her silence on Guantanamo. Since her election to a safely Democratic Congressional seat in 2020, Rep. Ross has declined several opportunities, including in 2021 when she refused to join 75 colleagues in a letter calling on President…

Our statement on Gaza and the Israeli/Palestinian Conflict
August 2024 North Carolina Stop Torture Now (NCSTN) is a grassroots organization formed in 2005 to address the substantial, essential role of NC airports in the Bush-era rendition, detention, and interrogation (i.e., torture) program. Two NC airports launched CIA flights that kidnapped and rendered at least 49 individuals to CIA black sites or to US-allied…

Shame — 22 Years of Guantanamo
On January 11, 2024, NC Stop Torture Now held a vigil to mourn and protest the opening of Guantanamo prison, now in operation for 22 shameful years. We protested outside the office of Rep. Deborah Ross for her failure to take any action in support of accountability for torture or closure of Guantanamo, including refusal…
Needed: letters to the US State Department about dangers to Ravil Mingazov
Please take action to prevent continued abuses of a released Guantanamo prisoner! Ravil Mingazov is a Russian national of Tatar origin and Muslim faith who was held without criminal charges in Guantanamo for nearly 15 years. He was then transferred from Guantanamo to the UAE in 2017, based on an agreement with the US Government….
Close Guantanamo, say protesters in Raleigh
Human rights activists gathered at the Terry Sanford Federal Building in Raleigh, North Carolina to call on the Biden Administration to close the unlawful and shameful US prison in Guantanamo. “We are all involved in US torture, and it’s past time that our Members of Congress take action to end this appalling symbol of cruelty…

40 North Carolinians call for torture accountability at Johnston Regional Airport on June 26
Forty North Carolinians from several counties gathered on a sweltering June 26 afternoon at the Johnston Regional Airport (JNX). The public airport, half an hour southeast of Raleigh, has been one of the CIA’s main staging grounds for rendition missions during the Rendition, Detention & Interrogation program. Then and now, JNX hosts Aero Contractors, a…

June 26, 2023: Vigil at Aero Contractors
Please come and invite others who may be interested! WHAT: Vigil for Torture Accountability WHERE: Johnston Regional Airport, home of Aero Contractors, the CIA’s “torture taxi” airline WHEN: Monday, June 26, 2023, 4:00 to 6:00 pm WHY: June 26 is UN International Day in Solidarity with the Victims of Torture. The U.S. has never held…
Raleigh says Close Guantanamo Now!
In Raleigh, 32 human rights supporters gathered on January 11 outside the Federal Building to mark the 21st anniversary of the opening of the Guantanamo prison, and call on President Biden to close it immediately. “From the beginning,” said MC Christina Cowger of NC Stop Torture Now, “Guantanamo meant 3 things: Islamophobia – only Muslim…